Our guest this week on The Art 2 Aging is Christine Matheson-Green and, at the age of 73, she has launched a project designed to capture life stories in memoir form and preserve them for posterity. She has been a journalist, educator and published author. But there’s even more to this firebrand of a lady than just that, as you will hear in our conversation.

a2a - the art 2 aging
The Art 2 Aging podcast will demonstrate with each weekly episode how all of us 60+ can rediscover how to live happily and with good health. Our guests include naturopaths, integrative medicine practitioners, cardiologists, energy healers and individuals who are "living the dream". Join us and discover how you can squeeze the juice out of the lemon!
The Art 2 Aging podcast will demonstrate with each weekly episode how all of us 60+ can rediscover how to live happily and with good health. Our guests include naturopaths, integrative medicine practitioners, cardiologists, energy healers and individuals who are "living the dream". Join us and discover how you can squeeze the juice out of the lemon!Listen on
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