Here’s a shocking fact: 98% of dementia sufferers are being cared for at home. That’s shocking because it means that the caregiver is likely a family member, often a spouse or adult child.
Dementia victims suffer greatly and so do their caregivers, especially family members.
That’s why what Allyson Schrier is doing is so amazing. Allyson’s husband was diagnosed with a form of dementia when he was only 47. He never worked after that and Allyson became his caregiver.
She knew nothing about dementia, how it manifests, how it impacts the sufferer or how it was going to impact her and her kids.
But Allyson was not someone to throw up her hands and quit. She took the bunch of lemons that life had handed her and turned them into lemonade.
How she did that is the subject of our episode this week on The Art 2 Aging.
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