Most of us blunder into retirement without any realization about how much our lives are going to change. We’re entering unchartered waters.
Or, as our guest this week on The Art 2 Aging, Wayne Lehrer, would say, we are entering our third act without the knowledge of how to make it extraordinary.
That’s why Wayne looks at life as a play in three acts.
Act 1 is our personal development up to age 20.
Act 2 is when we begin striving for success, accumulation, wealth building and family.
Act 3 likely begins around age 60 and it could be the most challenging one of all.
Wayne has worn a few hats in his life: IMAX film maker, theme park designer, sculptor, and writer.
And as he wound his way through his own three-act play, he came to realize that it wasn’t until he reached Act 3 that he began to understand what the play was really about. Listen this week on The Art 2 Aging.
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