A fun post today to put a smile on your Sunday.
We’re big fans of the game of golf, here at The Art 2 Aging. Not that we play much. Life has a way of focusing our attention away from golf and more towards, well, earning a living.
After fighting (and losing) to become good at this game, I now look at golf as an analogy for life: approach it casually and don’t take the results seriously and you’ll have fun.
Of course, being the closet perfectionist, I fought hard to become good. And never did. How many rounds did I play where I stormed off the course, fuming? Too many to count.
It took me many, many years to accept that I would always be mediocre. That’s when I finally began to truly enjoy golf instead of trying to achieve some impossible score.
So, when I stumbled across Phyllis Wampler, I had to smile. And cheer out loud.
See, Phyllis loves the game and plays golf every day that her home course is open. That works out to 300 days a year.
She plays with the same two guys. They all play 18 holes. And they walk all 18. That’s 5,400 holes of golf a year!
Not bad for someone who’s… 91. Yep, you read that right.
Here’s Phyllis in action.